Sunday, May 31, 2009

Kyra graduates from elementary school and Kirk turns 5 years old!

Dwight and Sharon enjoyed attending a graduation ceremony for 5th graders at Kyra's school this week. Each diploma provided an individual description for the particular student, based on comments received from other students. Kyra's description: "You are called bouncy, lively, and witty. You are one who never gives up, in other words - you're a bit stubborn. You love a group project and work hard and remain focused on what you have to do. In fact, you've sort of made our rat a group project and she loves you for it. You like to explore and see endless possibilities." Kyra is responsible for caring for the class pet rat, Bonnie, for the summer. We are very proud of her.

Kyra spent part of the weekend with us and we celebrated Kirk's 5th birthday during a trip to Starbucks. Another customer (and admirer of the world's greatest dog - Kirk!) took this picture.

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