Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Visit With Old Friends

We enjoyed a visit with Ed and Nancy Gustafson this weekend. Ed was the priest at Holy Communion Episcopal Church in Rock Springs in the 1980's and invited Dwight to use the church to organize the new church development that eventually became White Mountain Presbyterian Church. Ed and Nancy are now retired and living near Tucson and have invited us to visit some year for Rockies spring training. Can't do it next year, but sounds like a plan for 2010!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Retreat at Yeagleys' cabin near Fairplay

We spent another wonderful weekend at Jon & Danny Yeagley's cabin near Fairplay in late April. It was pretty chilly, but wonderful to be able to relax in front of a fire, be fed by a wonderful cook, and enjoy time with friends. And they let Kirk come, too!

Kyra recovers from broken arm!

Kyra broke her arm just below the shoulder while snowboarding the day after Easter. This picture was taken about six weeks later and she had just learned from the doctor that she could start running, swimming, etc.

Spring News 2008

Grandson Caleb (age 5), his mom, grandma and uncle from Kearney were here for a visit in April. We enjoyed spending a day with Caleb while the rest of his family went shopping. Sharon and Caleb pose for a picture while taking Kirk for a walk at the dog park.

Steve, Beth and Grace (age 1) (and Mello, their chocolate lab) spent a week with us after Easter. We enjoyed a trip to the zoo and just hangin' out at home.

Dwight and Grace enjoy a moment together.