Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kyra and Granddad's Alto Sax

Kyra is growing up and becoming a really wonderful person. We spent a special day with her today having conversations about movies, geneology and family. We attended a fun production of "Beauty and the Beast" at Chatfield H.S., then home for lunch. Dwight pulled out the alto saxophone of his childhood/youth and let Kyra play it. She seems to have a natural talent so we've decided to have it reconditioned and loan it to her for the next school year and for as long as she's interested in playing it. Here are some pictures:

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Pictures

Happy Valentine's Day! We're sharing some pictures from our weekend with granddaughter Jordan (age 8, lives near Colorado Springs), and new pictures of daughter-in-law Beth and grandaughters Grace (2) and Ava (4 months). Beth, Steve and girls live in Belen, New Mexico.

Jordan took this picture of Dwight and Sharon during a visit to Starbucks after church on Sunday.

Happy Valentine's Day from Beth, Grace and Ava!

Grace "decorated" Ava with Valentines hearts :)

Wake up Jordan, we're late for church!!

Jordan poses for Granddad.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Dwight's Photo Project - Silos and Windmills!

Dwight is taking his third semester of black & white film photography at Arapahoe Community College (ACC) this winter and decided on a project of photographing Colorado eastern plain silos and windmills. So he and Sharon (and our Great Dane, Kirk) headed for beautiful downtown Limon on Saturday afternoon and spent the night. On Sunday, we started out with wonderful mocha/lattes at Buffalo Bean Coffee (picture above) and then worked our way back toward Denver while Dwight took photos (to be developed later in the ACC photo lab). It was gray, cold, rainy and very, very windy! Sharon decided to record the event with her digital camera. Despite the weather, we had great fun and talked about how wonderful it is that we continue to enjoy each other's company after more than 37 years together!

Holy Land Pilgrims Pre-Departure Gathering February 7, 2009

Only four weeks until our group of 30 pilgrims departs from Denver on March 10th for 10 days in the Holy Land! Dwight will be leading the pilgrimage through Educational Opportunities, a travel agency that specializes in Christian tours. The group met on Saturday at Genesis Presbyterian Church in Littleton, Colorado, to get to know each other a little better and talk about the trip.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Committee on Preparation for Ministry Retreat - January 30-31st

Sharon is finishing up her term this year as moderator of Denver Presbytery's Committee on Preparation for Ministry. The committee held a retreat this weekend at the beautiful Franciscan Retreat Center in Colorado Springs.