Birthday kids: Sharon, Grace, Dwight - 2 days between each birthday
Happy New
Year from Dwight and Sharon Blackstock
we missed the deadline for calling this a Christmas letter, so … Happy New
Year! 2016 adventures included family visits and time with grandchildren, a
variety of travels, and adjusting to full-time retirement for both of us. We’re
finding that even though we have the time to do just about anything we want to
do, we don’t have the resources to PAY for everything on the list! Nonetheless,
our lives are very full and we are very grateful.
March, Sharon’s sister, Kathy, and husband Tom spent a couple of days with us.
We took advantage of the visit to remember the life of our mother who would
have turned 100 that month had she lived that long. We shared pictures, stories
and a meal of her favorite foods with son Steve and his family. The following
day they all took Kathy & Tom hiking (see picture). In June, we traveled to
Portland, Oregon, for the biennial Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly. We
flew out a couple days early in order to visit some dear friends in Seattle,
and Sharon’s cousin, John, in Corvallis. Both visits were delightful and Sharon
thoroughly enjoyed her experience as a GA Commissioner from Denver Presbytery. In
July, we enjoyed a week at Ghost Ranch (NM), and in August we drove to Wisconsin
so Sharon could meet with her high school class of 1967 50th reunion
committee, plus visit with sister Kathy and brother Richard and families. While
in Madison, Dwight connecter with a long-time friend he’s known since seminary,
and on the way to and from Madison we stopped for visits with friends in Omaha and
family in Kearney.
Grandchildren – We enjoy frequent
visits and family gatherings with Steve’s girls, Grace (10) and Ava (8),
including taking them to school a few mornings every week. We get together several times a year with
grandkids Jordan (16) & Jaden (age 11) who live near Colorado Springs. We
also get to see grandsons Caleb (age 14, Kearney NE), and Kaelan (age 12,
Albuquerque) once or twice a year, and we enjoy holiday visits each year with
granddaughter Hannah (age 15, Highlands Ranch) and grandsons Trae (age 13) and Tegan
(age 7) in Commerce City.
Our oldest granddaughter, Kyra (age 18), graduated
from high school in May in Boulder, became a mother in November and thus we are
now great-grandparents to a beautiful baby boy named Olliver (“Ollie”).
Following a tradition started when Kyra was a baby, we enjoyed an evening with
Kyra, Ollie, boyfriend Gabe and Kyra’s family at Denver Zoolights just before
Sadly, our relationship with our oldest son, Marcus, remains broken, but we are
comforted by the grandparent relationships we have with so many of his children.
Marc will be forever in our prayers even if he can’t be in our life.
Dwight continues to
preach and teach occasionally at various churches and will complete his term on
Denver Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry in 2017. During 2016, he traveled east
twice as a member of the alumni board for Princeton Theological Seminary and is
looking forward to the annual reunion in May. Dwight also traveled to California
twice to connect with sisters Donna and Marcia and friend Tom (best man at our
wedding 45 years ago!). Donna’s health continues to be a challenge. Dwight’s
health is also a challenge. He has accepted that the 20-year struggle with
chronic back pain will continue to plague him, but decided he might be able to
do something about his excruciatingly painful right knee. Knee replacement
surgery is planned for February 28.
the time you read this, Sharon will have accomplished surprising Dwight on
December 29th for his 70th birthday by hosting a small
party with family and a few close friends (people he was not expecting to show
up for dinner). It was a lot of fun!
Sharon continues as
a member of session and sings in the choir of Green Mountain Presbyterian
Church, Lakewood. She also serves on the planning team for an annual multi-church
women’s retreat, and the planning team for her 50th high school
class reunion to be held in 2017. Last September, she attended a meeting for
persons interested in serving as election judges for Denver County, thinking
she’d get a few days’ work. Instead, she was hired for a 6-week full time stint
as a front counter customer service rep for the elections division. It was a
great experience – crazy busy, interesting, exhausting and frustrating all at
the same time. Like the rest of the world, she was relieved when November 8
finally came and went, then spent several days recovering!
Son Steve changed jobs
in 2016, deciding to take his M.S.W. (Master’s, Social Work) out for a spin and
is working for the Aurora Housing Authority, providing services for seniors in
two residential facilities. He continues to be active as a minister member of
Denver Presbytery, serving as moderator of the Committee on Preparation for
Ministry. His wife, Beth, is manager of
administration and communications for Denver Presbytery. They live just 10
minutes from us with daughters Grace and Ava, who bring much joy and activity
to our lives.
Plans for 2017 include a
cruise to Alaska (leaving from Seattle) in June with friends, and a wedding
(our niece) in California in July. Not sure about Ghost Ranch – depends on the
date of the wedding. We will travel to Madison for Sharon’s 50th
H.S. reunion in August. Also planning some cosmetic upgrades to our 18-year-old
house. And some naps! And reading books! And sight-seeing!
Our prayer for
is that the Prince of Peace will bring peace to our world and that you will
experience God’s blessings all year long.
GA Commissioners from Denver Presbytery - June 2016, Portland, Oregon |
Sharon & Dwight with Hannah - December 2016 |
Jordan (top right) & Jaden with sister Julia and cousins Grace & Ava |
Kaelan visited us in Littleton, here with Grace, Ava and Ana |
Caleb with Dwight - December 2016 |
Great grandson Ollie - 1 month old - December 2016 |
Siblings - Kathy, Sharon, Richard - August 2016 |
Steve, Beth, Grace, Ava - December 2016 |
Dwight with Trae & Tegan - December 2016 |
Steve and family take Aunt Kathy & Uncle Tom hiking - March 2016 |
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