Granddaughter Kyra (age 11, 6th grade) spent the day with Sharon for City of Lakewood's Take Your Kids to Work Day. She participated in a mock trial, mock city council meeting, toured the city's KLTV studio, then headed outside (in the rain/mist) for Earth Day displays on the plaza, walked a couple of blocks to visit the Lakewood Heritage Center, ate lunch and climbed all over big public works trucks, then returned to Civic Center for a K9 police dog demo!

Kyra's in the middle - photo taken early in the day as groups were forming.

Kyra played the role of City Clerk during the Mock City Council Meeting!

Kyra and Grandma during the lunch break at the Lakewood Heritage Center. The sun came out for the 2 hours they were outside - a perfect day!

Kyra and her group. There were nearly 80 kids who participated in today's event - all kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews of city employees.
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